For this project, we were directed to make a minute to minute and half film that portrayed an assigned word or emotion using no dialogue or text.
Me and my partner were given the word 'optimism.' While brainstorming, we had many ideas including themes of getting bullied or starting high school. In the end, we landed on the idea of a girl hoping for a good test grade. The process of creating a story from an idea had begun.
Creating a storyboard helped us add details and visualize the different angles we wanted to get, making our story come to life. The storyboard also helped us figure out where and in what order we should film each scene pertaining to the different settings. After the filming process was done, I decided to edit using iMovie as I had heard it was a good platform to learn the basics of editing on.
Looking at the results, I think I did well for my first time editing and filming. Me and my partner were able to capture different emotions using different angles and shot-taking techniques we had learned about previously. I think me and my partner worked very well together to create this story, we were able to have efficiency while filming, getting all the filming done in one class period. My editing skills could be improved on as I had trouble creating smooth transitions between scenes and getting the timing right for certain cuts. However, I do think I was able to portray the feeling of optimism through my editing.