Thursday, January 30, 2025

Transition into Cambridge Portfolio Project.

 Hello! From this blog post forward, all of my blog posts will be focused on the development of my Cambridge Portfolio Project. All previous blogs have helped me develop a sense of self when writing blogs and developing skills when it comes to analyzing topics that will help me develop my Portfolio Project and eventually take my exam at the end of the year. I'm so excited to get started on this project because it means everything I've learnt this school year is finally coming together and I get to display all that I've learned. For the next 8 weeks my life will pretty much be centered on this project and I could not be more thrilled. 

Before starting this project, we learned about film openings in class (notes pictured to the below.) More specifically, we learned about what a film opening should be and how to develop purpose in film using different approaches.

Out of these approaches I am most interested in developing background/context. I am most interested in this approach because the background of a story is like the roots of a tree. Without a background the story feels empty, there is no meaning no real story, just like without roots and tree isn't...anything. 
Developing background can also be done in a variety of different ways and can be so subtle but have such a grand affect on the film. 

Another approach I'm interested in is developing tone specifically through mis-en-scene and lighting elements. I think color is such a dynamic and beautiful way to tell a story. Elements like color and lighting evoke emotion in people and can move a story along in a way such that so it feels natural, a flow. I also really admire this approach because it requires a lot of creativity. 

Overall, I could not be more excited for this project. I have a million ideas and can't wait to start developing a story.