Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing #2

 For this project, my group members and I created a one-man band called "The Third Eye." This bands whole brand centers around nostalgia and ideas of love. We used the color red to accentuate the idea of love and the nostalgia that comes from looking back at a relationship, both the good and hardships, used in both the story telling, and promotional shots of the music video, as well as logo. 

When attempting to emulate this through a music video we decided on the idea of a girl looking back on a relationship as she slowly goes insane realizing at the end that she has killed her lover while also including promotional elements. To create this story we wanted to use flashback elements showing both the positive and negative elements of their relationship. 

The promotional aspects of the music helped to highlight the idea of it being a one-man band by illustrating one person playing all the instruments. This also guided the emotional growth of the song as music crescendos the player is scene getting more aggressive with his playing.

Overall, the filming process was filled with both laughs and frustrating moments as we had some tricky shots to get (ex. burying scene) but we were able to work around any conflicts and create a beautiful story. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Project

 For this project, my group and I were assigned the genre 'alternative indie' to create a marketing plan for a band. We started by researching artists of that fall into this category, this way we could get an idea of the what we wanted the brand of the artist to be. We researched artists such as Tame Impala, Billie Eilish, BoyGenius, Mitski, and Japanese Breakfast. 

From this research, we decided to make our bands whole brand be centered around nostalgia and heartbreak. Then we came up with the idea of it being a one-man-band (meaning a sole artists does all the singing and playing. When coming up with a name for our band, we wanted it to be something 'weird' and play off of the fact that it is a one-man-band. So we came up with 'The Third Eye' as it symbolizes the brain or a higher consciousness. 

When it came time to start thinking about the music video part of the project, we, again, wanted it to have a 'weird' concept. After many ideas we finally decided on making a promotional/story-telling music video and a story line. 
(notes seen on the left)

While brain storming, we also created a time line of when everything would get done throughout our time doing the project and who would be doing what. For example, one class period Isabella A., took notes on the storyline to create the story board, Elke G. worked on the brand identity, Sarah D., worked started working on the presentation, and I worked on finding a brand name and helped with the brand identity process. 

Now, that we have the majority of the planning done we just need to work on the visual aspects of the project [i.e. merchandise, logo, music video (film and editing) , and presentation.]