Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mise-en-scene (props)

 Hello! As we near closer and closer to our filming date (likely to be sometime this week) we have to start thinking about props. Luckily for us, we won't need many, and those that we do need are very easily accessible. I would say the two main props in this opening will be Jordyn's journal and the poster for the amusement park (we decided to change it.) 

For the journal, we were thinking that looks very 'artistic' and looks as though she has had it for a very long time. For example, there could be paint marks or stickers on it as well as memorabilia peeking out from the sides of it. This prop is very important to the film as Jordyn will repeatedly refer to it as she completes/finds items on her bucket list. Below are a few examples of what we want the journal to look like. As you can see both examples look very "lived in" and personalized, fitting Jordyn's personality/style. 



The other important prop that will be included in our film opening is the amusement park poster. We changed it from a trampoline park to an amusement park since one of my group members found a poster (below) on Canva that works perfectly for what we want it to do. This poster is particularly important because it is the last thing the viewer sees before the rising actions of the film begins and what triggers other events withing the rest of the film. 

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