Thursday, February 13, 2025

Project Idea Summary

 Now that my group and I have finally been able to meet up to discuss our project (we've each been absent a few times the last couple of weeks due to illness) the ball is finally rolling! Overall, the hardest part was definitely starting the actual plot. Deciding on a genre (coming-of-age) was much easier said than done. Coming-of-age is the type of genre that can fit into any movie category, which is what made it so difficult to come up with a plot idea, there were so many options. We decided the plot should be centered around a character vs. self  conflict, have the character lose herself throughout the duration of the film which leads to bigger problems in her school life and her relationships.

Finally we came up with this: 

17 year old Jordyn Diaz has spent her entire high school career focused on her grades with no one but her best friend Amelia Jackson who's more a nerd than she is. They've been best friends since middle school but at the start of their senior year Jordyn has a realization that they've spent every waking hour focused on their school and not enjoying their teenage years. So, Jordyn decides to make a bucket list of all the wacky things she wants to do before the end of her senior year one of them seeming slightly less outrageous from the rest but nonetheless still out of reach, finding a date to prom. Jordyn, being the carefree, spontaneous, girl she drags along Amelia. As they complete each item off the bucket list things start to get out of hand Jordyn however keeps dragging Amelia along so they can have the "full high school experience." This eventually leads them to getting in trouble which causes a huge, friendship-ending fight between the two. Amelia argues that they took things way too far and have to stop, Jordyn arguing the opposite. Without her best friend by her side Jordyn decides to continue checking things off of her bucket list including finding a date to prom. At last she finds a date but when she arrives at prom she realizes it all wasn't worth it because she doesn't have her best friend by her side. So, she leaves the prom and goes to Amelia's house to apologize, the classic, corny, nevertheless adorable best friend apology. 

Throughout this process we decided that we wanted our protagonist to be a senior in high school. This is because wanted to use her realization of her soon transition from high school to college as a motivation for her actions. Below are notes I jotted down as we brainstormed ideas for the plot of our film.  

For the opener itself we decided it should highlight Jordyn and Amelia's friendship and the beginning of Jordyn's bucket list plan. We also decided we wanted Jordyn to break the fourth wall in some sort of way whether it be speaking to the camera and directly addressing the audience or addressing the camera as if she were making a video diary. Below are a few notes on how my group and I want to set up our opening scene. 

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