Hello! So this week was my first actual group meeting as I was absent for the first one and it honestly went super well. I was able to connect with my peers and share our thoughts and feelings on this project as well as help each other out on our CCR's. This is what we mainly discussed during our meeting. We did this by going around and sharing each of our ideas with one another as well as giving each other notes on how to improve or make our CCR's more creative and personalized to ourselves.
For example, one of the member's of my group, Isa C. , did not know what to do for her second CCR video so, we decided to collectively brain storm ideas on what she could do. We asked her questions about what she likes to do on her free trial and what hobbies or clubs she's in. From there, we found that she is mock trial (a club at our school) and we suggested that she could make her CCR in a court trial type of style where she, being the producer, is the witness and is asked questions while up on the stand. We obviously did not have time to work out all the little details considering we only had one class period and many people in our group but it definitely gave her a starting point and something to bounce off of and possibly create something really cool!
One idea I thought was really cool was from another group member, Sophia H. , who said she was going to do a "breaking news" type of video for her CCR and that she chose this idea because it is incorporated in her film opening. I thought this was a really interesting way to tie in what she learned while working on her film opening to her CCR. This also showed how much time and effort she invested into this project as she told us about how she would go about doing this. I could be wrong but I do believe a green screen was mentioned. I will definitely check out her project once it is done.
Overall, I think this group meeting went really well! I was honestly nervous at first to have to talk about my project and to talk to people I had really never talked before but we honestly ended up having a great a time. We shared lots of laughs but in the end everyone was able to get the help they needed which is truly what the point of the group meetings are all about.
As you can see we are very professional. |
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