Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Hello! Filming week has finally arrived and my group and I could not be more excited. With that comes, tightening up any final screws before the actual production of it all. We met with our teacher to discuss our project with her an make any final revisions. 

School Scene

 Our teacher had a few concerns about filming a scene walking down the hallway because it might seem unrealistic as it'll likely be empty and the lighting isn't ideal as the upper head lighting can be quite visually displeasing.  

As a solution my group and I gathered together a few people to serve as background characters. That way we can film after school, having full control of volume and placement while still making the school hallway look realistic.

Additionally, we will be borrowing mic's from our teacher giving us more control of audio. With the mic's we will be able to isolate Jordyn and Amelia's dialogue while also still being able to hear the background chatter of a typical school hallway. As for the lighting she gave us a tip to make sure we keep the frame "tight" while filming in the hallway, essentially this means to make sure the upper head lights are not in the frame. This will help to counteract the effects of the upper-head lighting.

Difference in Characters 

Our teacher brought up a really good point which is that the two leading actresses look a lot a like. This is a problem visually because a key element in this film is the characters are so different both stylistic and personality wise yet are still best friends. 

To counteract this we have made sure that both girls are dressed very differently so that there is a clear difference of who is who and there is no confusion. Often times in media when two lead characters are acting along side each other they have some sort of physical attribute that distinguishes them a good example is Serena and Blair from Gossip Girl, one is blonde and the other is brunette this way even if they are dressed similarly, it is still clear to the audience which is which. 

Since this isn't really possible for us as we both have dark curly hair and no access to wigs, we have to make sure that we are dressed very differently, in fact, one of us will likely have our hair up and the other down to create even more contrast between the two characters. 

[Edit from future me]: So... we ran into a problem! I was supposed to play Jordyn but I got sick and completely lost my voice so we had to get another friend, Hayley, to play the part. Which actually works out because now the actresses don't look so similar but we will still make sure that there is a clear difference between the two. 

Hayley(left), playing Jordyn
Isabel, playing Amelia

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