Thursday, February 27, 2025

Production (filming day1 and change of plans)

 Hello! My group and I started filming this week (yay) and although it went smoothly we did run into a few problems. Although my group got some really good shots there were some continuity errors between each shot. This is because as scenes were shot our background actors had to leave so when starting to edit scenes shot within the hallway together, we noticed that some scenes had no background characters and some did.  Below is an example of how the background characters sort of disappeared and re-appeared in between shots. 

However, my group was able to get some really good shots, especially for the establishing shots of the school. I especially like the clip below because it has lots of movement going on and truly looks like a school hallway and not just actors placed in specific spots. (Don't mind the shoes squeaking, that will definitely be masked by music during editing.) 

Below is a clip I really enjoyed because of the acting choices made by both actresses. Within this clip both characters say the same line but it is clear they have different motivations and perspectives when saying it which adds to the realism of the scene. 

Unfortunately, because of the continuity errors we are forced to refilm the scenes from the hallway. Because of this there are some scheduling conflicts with Hayley (who played Jordyn) so my group and I decided it would be best to refilm with me as Jordyn so we don't have to wait on anyone and can get filming done as quickly as possible.

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