Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production (filming day 2: school scene)

 Hey guys! So yesterday we re-filmed all the footage of the school (minus the establishing shot) and it honestly went great. We learned from our mistake of asking way too many people to help with filming last time and only got about 6 people to help out as background characters. Having a little amount of people was helpful as they were easy to control and keep quiet but also fill empty space. We gave them simple to just act natural and that our director, Isa, would que them to walk past or move, etc. Having such few people also helped with time management as we still had to film the bedroom scenes and needed to do so before the sun went down. I believe we started filming at around 4 and we were out of there at around 4:30 (give or take) so it definitely did not take long.

Funny enough many of the people that ended up being in the background of what we shot weren't people who we asked to be in it originally. Isabel and I found them in the drama room after school and asked if they wanted to be a part of it. Luckily they said yes and were super helpful. They probably also decided to help because I had brought cookies for anyone did.

Filming with Isabel was so much fun as we are already such close friends. This definitely helped with the acting part of it all as we were able to really play into that. We also both have experience in musical theatre/acting so we knew how to react and play off of each other. 

A little candid picture from filming (we are too cute!)

 Since it was not her first time doing these scenes as she had done them before with Hayley, Isabel, as well as Isa and our cinematographer, Elke, was able to guide me through the process of filming and give me my blocking/placement. One challenge I came across was that since I was switched back into the part so last minute (literally the night before) I had very little time to actually learn the lines. Because of this I had to learn my lines as we filmed which resulted in quite a few bloopers. Below is one of many. (you'll be able to see more later on.) 

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