Friday, March 7, 2025

Post Production (creating a logo)

 Hi! So before we start the post-production/editing part of the film my group and I needed to come up with a production company name. While brainstorming we decided to combine all our names together (Isa, Mariana, and Elke) to create: ELMAI productions. Honestly, after we came up with the name my group and I really didn't touch on the subject until very recently.

We had to pick out everything from font to color which is actually a lot harder than it seems when it has to be done via group chat and not in person. We started off with plain white background and black lettering before realizing that most production companies typically have a fun theme/design to them. So we began looking for different fonts and more interesting color schemes as well as coming up with a theme. 

Eventually we decided on the color blue for the background and lettering (it took so long finding the shade we wanted.) and began brain storming ideas for a theme. Two we came up with were having a sky/star theme and a fish/ocean theme. Although, we all really liked the sky/star theme but we realized it may look too similar to Disney so we decided on the fish theme. 

Deciding how to animate it was just as hard as, again, this was all done through a group chat and not in person. It was difficult to be able to get our ideas across to one another and also figuring out what would be too hard to do as the animator/director of our group, Isa, had to guide Elke (cinematographer) on what it would take to animate the production logo. Eventually we decided on having the fish simply across in between the words "ELMAI" and "productions." (see below)

Overall, it was a long process and we ended with over 14 different drafts of the production company logo. Below is and example of our first draft and our final(ish) draft. 
First Draft

Final Draft (yet to be animated )

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