Saturday, March 8, 2025

Post Production (sound and editng)

 Hello! So after getting all the filming done my group and I began editing all the clips together as well as layng on sound. We began by simply putting together all the clips on Adobe, from there was the most tedious process of cutting little pieces here and there. There were a few shots we had to cut all together as we had too much footage and still had to add in photo "montage" at the beginning and the clips of the school. Below is one of our very first drafts of the film. 

As you can see was still a lot to be fixed within this draft especially when it comes to clipping certain shots so that everything looks so more seamless. Below is another draft of the opening. As you can see the 2 shots of Jordyn and Amelia on the bed have been cut and some soundscape elements have been added. There are definitely still some changes that need to be made. 

This draft is almost about 10 seconds shorter so that we have more time for all the clips we still need to add. Our goal is to be finished with the entirety of editing by this week in order to work on our CCR's.

Unfortunately, we were not able to get the rights for the song we originally had in mind as the band never responded but luckily my group and I were able to find some royalty free music we thought would go really well with the film opening. We wanted to the music to have an upbeat-pop vibe/sound to it and so below are a few options we especially liked.


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