Sunday, March 9, 2025

Research on CCR Question #1

 Hello! I honestly can't believe we are nearing the end of this project. It feels like just yesterday I was creating a schedule for my group and I and now here we are, almost at week 7. We've reached the point where we are beginning to work on our Creative Critical Reflection (CCR) and it feels unreal. 

As I brainstormed ideas for my CCR, immediately I was interested in using a "celebrity interview" sort of concept. I thought it would be a great way to allow myself to authentically speak on the highs and lows of this project. Initially I thought of doing a "73 Questions With Vogue" kind of thing. Then, I realized it may be a little difficult to film myself walking around my house while I answer questions about the project. I also feel like it would just look boring and not really show any creativity. 

So, I started searching on You tube for different ideas by simply searching up "celebrity interviews." I knew I didn't want it to just be me having a sit down conversation with a camera about my project so tried to steer clear of any of those types of interviews. Then, I came across a "What's in My Bag?" video well not exactly, it was specifically called "Inside Florence Pugh’s Valentino Tote | In The Bag" and I knew this is what I wanted to do.

I could do this by instead of showing the camera what is in my purse I could put things in my purse related to the project such as a prop we used or a picture representing an issue we faced along the way. As I talk about whatever the object may be/represent more images could pop up on screen to give further insight on the topic. I thought this be especially smart because this way each item would be sort of like a prompt so that I know exactly what to talk about next. 

For example, when answering the first question of the CCR it could go something like this: 

Mariana: Hello! My name is Mariana Aldana and today we will be looking into what is in my purse! I could not be more excited to be here so let's get started! 

[ I reach in my purse and I pull out a picture of Isabel and I in costume for our characters, Jordyn and Amelia] 

So our film opening genre is coming-of-age. Often times with these types of films come with a lot of conventions that we had to choose whether to play into or not. As you can see [the picture I am holding pops up on the screen] I'm dressed very "grungy." wearing baggy pants, a band t shirt, lots of jewelry, and eyeliner, fitting that typical "teenage dirt bag look" while my scene partner Isabel is dressed pretty much completely opposite as me, wearing much lighter, natural makeup, and wearing lighter colors; here you can see she's wearing pink and white meanwhile I'm in grey/black and red. I feel as though typically in a film like this, these two characters would be portrayed as enemies or opposites but my group and I thought it would a cool idea to actually have them be best friends. This film is heavily centered around the importance friendship and I feel as so though the characters difference in both style and personality while still being best friends is a testament to that message. Jordyn's struggles in realizing this towards the depths of the movie I think are very relatable to many teens as often times, teenager tend to get lost in the all the superficial things and all the things they think are important in high school and loose track of what is most important to them. This is why we created this story; we knew it was something many of our peers and maybe even ourselves could relate so it felt right that we were the ones to be able to tell this story. I think what also makes this picture really sweet is that it's actually featured in the opening of the film, hung up on Jordyn's wall. 

Note: this is only a rough draft and edits will likely be made later on.

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