Hi blog! I have finally decided what my second CCR video/presentation is going to be and I'm so excited because I was so stressed out about finding another idea for my CCR but I've decided to do a Canva voice over presentation! I'll use at least 4 slides to answer each question. My goal for this is to break these questions down into parts to be able to clearly answer in my own creative way. I feel like using a presentation is a real good way to incorporate visuals into this project.
I'm not sure if I will create a script for this since it will be cut up into small sections. But here is a basic outline of how I will answer question 3.
- Planning Process: Building characters and script.
- Building Characters: Started by researching coming of age films/tv shows. Specifically characters within these films. This was to figure out what we wanted and didn't want from our character (i.e. motivations, style, attitude, etc.) For example, for our lead character, Jordyn, we were greatly inspired style wise by Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You. This is reflected in our choice of costume for the lead. As you can see, her costume leads more towards a "grunge" type of aesthetic, similar to that of Kats. Attitude and motivation wise we were inspired by Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. This is because if character is very family and friend oriented which we are traits we wanted Jordyn to have. For her best friend, we allowed the actress to have a lot of creative freedom when playing this character but also to take inspiration from the character Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.
Inspiration for Jordyn Result - Script: The script was honestly a lot of fun to create because we got to play around with the line delivery and met up after school (got some food) and work on it. Their were honestly quite a few drafts of this script as we would often times find ourselves writing in random notes that weren't relevant to the script. Their were definitely some parts within the script that we wanted to change later on and never ended up getting around to so they stayed as is. For example, we wanted to make Jordyn's little monologue at the beginning of the script much longer than it ended up being. Honestly, it ended up working out since our film opening is exactly 2 minutes.
- Production Process: filming locations, problems
- Filming Locations: For filming we obviously had to film at school and we needed to find somewhere else to film that we could decorate to look like Jordyn's room. At first we had in mind to decorate Elke's (cinematographer and editor) older sister's room but then we realized we had a friend who already had her room decorated exactly like how we envisioned Jordyn's room to look like, so we decided to film there as well. Filming at school, was probably easiest out of the 2 locations as we had lots of space to play with and were even able to a few of our friends to help as background characters. Filming in our friend, Lauren's, room was a little more of a challenge since we had a few things working against such as spacing and time. For example, there was a huge mirror in the back of Lauren's room so we had to find an angle in which you couldn't see the cinematographer. Originally, we wanted to have the lead character be sitting at a desk and her best friend on the bed behind her when the camera first meets Jordyn. This turned out to be quite an awkward so we decided to film to have both Jordyn and Amelia start out on the bed.
Filming at school. - Challenges: During the production process we definitely ran into a few challenges. For instance, I was originally supposed to play the part of Jordyn however, the day before filming I got super sick and completely lost my voice. We ended up having to find a friend who was available to film last minutes. All was good until we started putting together clips of what we had filmed so far at school and realized their were a lot of continuity errors as a lot of shots were filmed out of order so the background characters seemed to appear and reappear. This meant we had to refilm everything, but our new lead wasn't available and we had to get filming done soon so once again I was put in to play her.
- What I learned: Because of this I learned that it is ok to have to change things up and learn how to go with the flow and find a way to keep moving regardless of any challenges. I also learned for future projects to make sure background characters do not move in between shots so that there are no continuity errors.